If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see on our library website or any new books or resources you would like us to add to our collection please let me know and I'll try to add it to my shopping list. If you're suggesting a book, please tell me the title and the author.
We always need volunteers in our library, see here for details! VOLUNTEERING
Come back soon...I'll keep an eye out for you. Happy Reading!
Donna Thompson Teacher Librarian
Welcome to 2020!
Welcome back everyone and an extra special welcome to our new kindies and any new families. Our school library is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during class time. All children are encouraged to borrow once a week from our great collection. If your child is in years Kinder to Year3 they will require a library bag to borrow. Click here to see library lesson the timetable for 2020.
For other library news please check the school newsletter.
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